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hey ed
all the bad weather missed me. it rained almost 6 inches in less than an hour so we had a lot of flooding but nothing else. they put our school in a "lock down" where all the kids and teachers had to stay in their classroom when the first toronado hit. after about and hour and a half they released the students. you could have used a boat to travel from my school as it looked like we were on an island. glad i had a big truck in order to get out. district called off school on friday because of all the water and wind damages to different parts of the city. took advantage of the free time to get caught up on things. we left later friday for the tennis torney in austin and then got back late last night. rain played havoc with the torney in austin. well now i can concentrate on the cobra by the bay event. still raining here. it can rain all it wants to now as long as its clear the weekend of my event. anyway thats where i was. back to school and reality now. thanks for asking.