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I have a friend that has two used single phase Miller Aircrafters for sale. The Aircrafter was a machine targeted at the aircraft industry. I believe it is rated at 300 amps continuous duty with a 470 amp max current. The guys are right, the Miller Syncrowave's with their squarewave AC balance controlable output and high freq stabilization are one of the best machines on the market for aluminum or steel. I have a Syncrowave 300 and the Aircrafters have almost all the same controls and use the same squarewave technology. About the only thing the Aircrafters don't have that the Syncrowave's do is the spotweld timer/controls. The Aircrafter is slightly more compact than some of the older Syncrowaves ( I would estimate the cabinet size as 2.5x3x3). Don't know what he wants for one, but you're if interested I can find out and/or post some pictures. You didn't say what sort of aluminum welding you want to do, but if your planning on welding anything thick (3/16-1/2 inch plate) you will probably need something in the 250-300 amp capacity.