Hector, just spotted this thread and had to input my 2 cs, because I think you have a misconception that could cost you your engine.
oil flow through an
oil filter is into the filter (i.e.feed from the engine
oil pump) into the "ring" of little circular holes, and out of the filter (i.e. to the bearings etc of the engine) from the central hole. (the threaded part via which the filter screws onto the block).
More than one engine has been lost because of folks getting this wrong. The anti-drain back valve in the filter is a one-way valve, you have to get the direction of flow correct else your engine could, under certain circumstances, be showing healthy oil pressure on a guage, yet actually be receiving little or no oil flow at all to the bearings.
Looking onto the oil filter mounting pad on the side of the block, oil comes from the pump from the little hole in the "side", goes back into the engine through the bigger, central hole.
Trace out the entire oil system for your car, check that it is correct before you fire her up.