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Old 12-07-2002, 06:43 PM
Mark IV Mark IV is offline
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Default Songzzzz...

"Born to Run" Springstein and "the big man"

"Also Sparch Zarathustra" (Thus spoke Zarathrustra)

"Paradise by the dashboard light" Meatloaf

"Autobahn" Kraftwerk

"Ride of the Valkryres" some dude named Waqner

"Hey little Cobra" Ripchords-Written by Cobra owner Carol Conner (not "O'Conner) also of "Rocky" theme

"Return of the Fire Witch" King Crimson....when was the last time you heard that on the radio

"My Generation" Who...and also most all of Tommy. Damn, I am pissed of that the only British Invasion member to ever call me and buy parts from my business was "Ox", John Entwhistle, and he did the John Belushi thing and offed himself with a bad heart and cocaine.

A whole lotta stuff that I can hum but couldn't tell you the name, artist or whatever if my life depended upon it.....

A really good thread that allows us to connect the cars that gave us woodies with the songs we danced to with the girls that also gave us wood (not that we could use it....but WOULD that we could use WOOD.)

"I'm high all right, but on the real thing....powerful gasoline and a clean windshield..."
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