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Not trying to argue, but why is a TKO better than a Richmond? Richmond is stronger, slightly less expensive, and has much better ratios. You still have an overdrive with the Richmond, you just need to use a smaller rear gear.
As an example, lets say you are going to use a 3.54 gear set.
1st. = 3.27x3.54 = 11.58
2nd. = 1.98X3.54 = 7.01
3rd. = 1.34x3.54 = 4.74
4th. = 1.00x3.54 = 3.54
5th. = 0.83x3.54 = 2.94
Richmond: (use a 2.88 gear set)
1st. = 3.27x2.88 = 9.42
2nd. = 2.13x2.88 = 6.13
3rd. = 1.57x2.88 = 4.52
4th. = 1.23x2.88 = 3.54
5th. = 1.00x2.88 = 2.88
Almost identical 3rd. 4th, and 5th. gear ratios with much lower ratios in 1st and 2nd. Most people do not understand this. Tremec 5 speeds were originally designed for trucks where you need short ratios in 1st. and 2nd. gears in order to get the load moving. This is called torque multiplication which is not needed for high hp. to weight ratios cars.
Sorry for the bable.
“If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough horsepower.”
Mark Donahue