Spent a few hours at Hillbank last week. Drove Lance's demo SPF with a 351W (straight 300 hp), and was duly impressed. Now I'm confused!
Originally thought I'd like the big block from Bill Parham. But Lance has a pretty good rap on the Windsor -- can get one stroked to 427 (about 500 hp). I'd be interested to hear opinions from some of you folks who have more expertise (probably ALL of you!) than I do in the engine compartment.
Selling points:
427s may be more valuable in the long run. Old blocks are becoming rarer.
The old blocks (may) make the car easier to register in AZ as a '65.
Small blocks are an easier fit. They weigh about 200lb less.
351 won't leak
oil like the 427?
Any other opinions/suggestions?
Scottsdale, AZ