Ford SB timing case F67Z6019AA ....$307.89
Chevy SB timing case... $24.58
Ford SB water pump F67Z8501CA....$137.58
Chevy SB water pump....................... $39.29
Ford SB Crank pulley F67Z6312AA.......$94.89
Chevy SB Crank pulley..........................$48.19
There was an article sometime back, maybe two years, in Hot Rod magazine where they built a SB ford and a SB chevy.
The chevy engine came out on top as I remember on the dyno.
Maybe some of you guys have that magazine.
Anyway this is a never ending debate that will continue until
the end of the gasoline engine.
Cranker, you keep it up buddy, Before long you will have the record for the most pages on a thread.