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Many good points have been brought out so far. I don't want to spend too much time eating (Hell, I can eat anytime and all year round) The bulk of the time should be spent visiting with others with a nice cruise during the day. If weather turns off cold, we may have to set something on fire! (Just kidding) Trailer parking is important, as I can't seat the whole family in my Cobra. As far as vendors are concerned, no problem if they are all like Doug Reed! Don't want a bunch of "Super Salesmen" hanging around. However, the bulk of the decisions need to be made by the Austin bunch. After all, they are the host group and will have to do most of the preliminary leg work. I would love to help, but distance makes me of little use. So what this all boils down to is I really don't give a s--t what happens. My family and I are coming and we are going to have a good time. I am so looking forward to it!
David Shelton
Lone Star Gashole!