OK...just updating a little.
It does look like the Kirkham Cobra will be the 289 version! David also stated it is up to us on how we dispose of the car. Totally and 100% up to us. They do not get involved with any type of raffle. He is NOT against the raffle, it's just that they do not do raffles. He and the Kirkham family have simply donated the car to the DVSF. It is up to us to decide how to use it!
He has also promised that he will get the car done as soon as possible! We both agreed that this particular car, for CF should be shown all over the country,ie; Knotts, Carlisle and everywhere in between, and as often as possible!
I know we can build what ever net work it takes to do this!
Another side note, we may in fact have TWO COBRAS to raffle of this year. One will be a "kit" the other of course the KMP Cobra. More on this as I confirm up the situation.
David and Thomas are putting the finishing touches on the "wish list" for all the extra parts needed to complete the car. Wouldn't it be totally awesome to come up with a 289 motors fed by webers! My,my. Anyone have a few parts laying around? If someone has an old 289 without any extra holes in it, I'll build it! You want to help? Then by golly it's time.
Lets do this! I want the total, complete, turnkey KMP FIA to be at Knotts!
DV...now it's time to step up to the plate and get serious. Pass a piece of that KeyLime pie please
PS...now lets get into color choice, stripe color. Naaahh! Aint gonna happen! I took a one man vote, OK, David and I took a two man vote and came out with a unanimous decision. It will be raw, beautifull and straight aluminum!