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Old 08-03-2000, 03:21 PM
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While I can understand why you'd like to distance the CSX replica from the rest of the replica pack, the way you're going about it is incorrect.

The Shelby, while a good replica, it's necessarily the most accurate one out there. It's not an original CSX, it's not even a continuation car. It is a car that is made from a kit; a kit car. A replica. Made by a company that hasn't been in the kit car business all that long, either. While XKs does have a pretty good track record with the Smiths gauges, etc., Shelby American's track record is ... well, let's just go with "spotty" right now.

I'm not in any way trying to be unkind towards the product that you sell. I would love to own a CSX car. I choose not to at this time because I don't think that the quality is as good as most of the other replicas that are out there. I've seen the aluminum car, I've seen the fiberglass car. I can say this with some authority.

Additionally, the Shelby car is actually further removed from the CSX car than just about any other replica out there. The Shelby is a replica of the Hi-Tech, which is a replica of a CSX car. Most Cobra replicas are not that far removed. And while Mustang II componentry is available in a number of replicas, it's not quite correct to be as absolute as you are when you state "...they are far more than a "kit car" or replica built on Mustang 2 components..."

Further, it has been show time and again that almost all Cobra replicas hold their value remarkably well. Many of them are actually considered to be worth more when they are completed than the costs inherent in building them. This isn't an absolute, and there are some people out there who will overbuild a Cobra - and I'm sure that the CSX replicas are no exception. On a Cost/Sale comparison, I'm sure that the CSX replica will do no better or worse than any other Cobra replica.

Having had the opportunity to drive a number of original CSX cars as well as a bunch o' replicas, I would also point out that authenticity isn't necessarily a good thing; the original cars were mis-aligned, overheating monsters that had questionable handling as well as braking capabilities. Acceleration, of course, isn't even in question - the direction the car takes when you punch it and it hooks up, on the other hand, is. If the new CSX replica is based on exactly the same parameters as the original cars were (which, judging by the aluminum car they just might be), that's certainly not a good selling point in my book.

Good luck with your CSX replicas, and please feel free to mail me a brochure and pricing guide. I look forward to seeing more posts from you, and if I'm ever up your way I'll certainly drop by!

Your pal,