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Old 12-30-2002, 07:13 AM
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Todd Hedges Todd Hedges is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA 427SC w/428 & Richmond 5-speed Car 611.
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Default It's Alive - again!

Well, I had a really low key, un-eventfull X-mas this year, except I was able to re-install the 428 back into the Cobra and I actually started it this past Saturday. I ran it for 20 minutes at 2500 rpms to break in the new cam.

Joe from Danbury Competition was a huge help while dealing with the distrb. gear problem. He replaced the cam, lifters, oil pump, checked all the bearings and machined a new distrb. gear to receive additional oiling.

Joe believes that the MSD gear had under-gone a poor heat process since only the distrb. gear was worn and there was absolutely no marking on the teeth of the cam gear, (except where one tooth broke off due to the distrb. gear teeth failing.)

The total cost for the repairs was $425 for the new oil pump, cam/lifters, gaskets, and time.

I feel as though I was treated fairly, although I would have rather not paid an additional $425, but as long as this engine holds together with no additional problems I'll be okay with it.

I wish the folks @ MSD would be "man-enough" to stand behind their products and pay for the damaged parts, but unfortunately the time and effort to get them to cover the lousy $425 would not be cost effective.

Anyway, the engine ran fine, needs a little adjusting for timing.

Now I just have to wait for the temps to get above 40 and the streets to be swept.

Happy New Years
...."they say I'm crazy, but it takes all of my time."
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