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Here is an alternative to a trailer:
It's a standard 20 ft. Ryder moving van, converted to a trailer with a pair of 14 ft. fiberglass ramps. They sell these trucks after five years of service and you can pretty much do whatever you want with them. When not moving the Cobra, it doubles as a wonderful furniture mover :-)
-John Spina
John Spina
FFR Spyder
EM Cobra
Bumble Bee
Everett Morrison built in 1995, 78,000 miles
FFR Spyder built in 2004
Both with Buick V6 turbo engines
11.40 @ 118 in the EM Cobra
11.99 @ 119 first time out in the Spyder
It's only funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it's friggin hilarious!