I purchased a Backyard Buddy 4 post lift about 3 years ago and I have been happy with it. It was under $3,000. The advantage of this over a pit is that you can stack cars as well as using it to work on them. You can also add
oil pans to prevent leakage on to the car below. A two post unit has the advantage of being able to lift from the frame so you have access to the suspension but it's more of a hassle if you want to stack cars.
If you stack cars remember you need enough height in the garage. I have a 10 ft. ceiling but can't stack two full size cars. I can store the Cobra and a Lincoln Towncar, however.
My lift was shipped to a truck yard and I had to go pick it up. I used a boat trailer to get it back to my place. I then installed it by myself using an engine hoist. The instruction were easy to follow although it would have been a bit easier if I would have got someone to help. It is free standing (does not need to be bolted down). I got mine with a central trolley which can be used to jack up either the front or rear of the car so you can take the wheels off. I also got wheels that can be installed to move the unit. I have never used them. The two post units I have seen need to be bolted down.
Have fun, Ray