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Do you need it? Depends on what you're using now, and how well it's working. A slightly tweaked OEM ignition should work fine with 9.5:1 CR mostly stock engine.
That being said. Do you need it? Maybe, maybe not. Will it help you? Yes. Depending on how out-of-spec your OEM system is will determine how much the MSD will help.
The MSD capacitive discharge, multiple spark will get the maximum effectiveness out of your ignition system; MSD is no longer the only game in town. Crane, Accel, Jacobs, Holley, and others offer competitive, high performance ignition systems.
The Ford OEM distributor is another matter. Off the assembly line for stock applications, they get the job done, and work for decades with no maintenance.
But since ignition timing plays such an important role in power output, and in-service reliability, a more durable, and more tuneable distributor is desirable for a Ford engine. MSD to the rescue.
The MSD distributor is a piece of artistry and work. For a Ford, it's a Delco (Chevy) distributor on a Ford stalk. But it works, and it's tuneable, wheras the Ford (and OEM Delco) isn't. Worth the investment (yes). Should outlast the engine? Several engines.
Last edited by Jack21; 01-06-2003 at 06:03 PM..