Not Ranked
take em off!
take em all off!
those you never hear from.
i like the idea of a january registration on clubcobra or spring in person every year.
my cobra is in pieces in the garage and i am not going to drive 4 hours to dallas or 8 to austin in a hugo. i know u dont want me in your parade to marble falls in my hugo!
i can make dallas in 2 1/2 when i get the "dam cobra" as donna refers to it. finished
i want to be a member of the club as i feel jim woodard a big factor in me having a cobra, even though we have never met.
and gary morris one helluva nice guy wet or dry.
i like the no rules in stone attitude of TCC and hope you keep it that way.
as they said in "Blazing Saddles", badges? badges? we don't need no stinkin badges.