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To Racer X #99
I believe you mis-read my message regarding the request for some information about your engine.
I am not concerned with BB verses SB arguements. I don't want to argue at all. What a person wishes to run in their personal car is their personal choice. That's what makes building your own car so much fun. Heck run a Brigg's & Stratton if you like'em.
What I am interested in your engine results as you have shared some insight about flow characteristics. This topic is of great interest to me and I would enjoy the numbers your engine ended up producing and compare them against the flow rates your heads produced.
Also, I never mentioned that I am an FE engine guy. That's not in my profile nor can I remember putting what type of engine I like on the websight. I just like cars (all types) , engines (all types)and producing efficient combinations or the two (all types).
If you wish not to share this information I would understand. I just wanted to learn from your personal engine building experience.
But no arguements please, I have a wife and a teenage daughter for that.