This sounds like a great plan, and VF park is close to all of the major highways. The permit would be a good idea; better safe than sorry. Count on my help.
The park is near and dear to my heart for many reasons, and I have a suggestion for the location. As you enter the park heading east on Route 23 just past Route 252, there's a large area to the left down the hill with a large parking area. It's also about a half mile from the chapel and carillon so we'd avoid the main crowd and congestion of the multitude of cars and buses. Let's meet some weekend and I'll show you.
The park roads are nice for a short, slow, scenic hop, but if folks want to enjoy a longer cruise, we could plan a route through the back roads of Chester and/or Berks counties. Friends who organzed the Radnor Hunt and Concours d'Elegance had a terrific rally, and if there's interest I could get their route. That may be a bit ambitious however, since we'd probably have to have a chase car or two to retrieve lost participants.
Go EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!