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Making a cobra safe is like making a Colt .45 safe. TRAINING . You won't see a man trained or experienced with firearms spinning a pistol on his finger just for show!
A Cobra even driven even @ "cruising speed"is a twitch away from BIG trouble.
A 90" wheel base and 500 bhp is a great track combination when you have 50' throgh the corner and maybe some gravel after that,no oncoming traffic ,no telephone poles etc. I have had my share of high bhp hot rods and this car demands far more focus than any of them!
I know i'm "preaching to the quoir" we all ,at least most of us bought these cars for these thoroughbred qualities ,and i expect that most of us ,when we think conditions are right, cannot resist "letting out a little shaft" and we know when we do, that there is nothing safe about it.
I think it would be great for CC to do some group school or supervised open track or maybe at least at the local club level. it would make us all safer and would be a heck of a lot of fun.
Foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of tiny minds