The tragedy that just happened was very bad but there is just no way that any vehicle can be made that someonoe can't get killed or hurt in them. As was posted earlier, one of the worst problems is driver inattention and I have suffered that also. Especially on long boring straight stretches. I guess it isn't a good comparison and maybe even an inappropriate one but cars are like guns. No gun ever got up and went and shot anyone. And not many cars have gone out and wrecked on their own. If anyone considers this post offensive then I apologize now, but I just can't see any way to make anything completely safe. It is only by the grace of God that I made it through my teens. I am not in any way implying that the driver of the Cobra was not attentive or did anything wrong as only God can know for certain just what caused this terrible tragedy. Just remember that we are driving on roads with other people. And yes, Jeb, my prayers and thoughts are with the other people too.
Take care all,