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BLACKJACK said what I wanted to say. The biggest safety variable difference in all our cars is the driver. Get trained in vehicle dynamics, weight transfer, hi-po driving, etc. This is the biggest payback item you control--and you will have fun doing it. I practice what I preach. I thought I was the "cat's meow" driver, and then I hit the track. You have NO idea what a good race car driver knows and deals with until you do it. I have raced motorcycles, I fly airplanes, but nothing I have ever done compares to driving at the ragged edge.
That brings me to point #2. That is Hal's post--wrong place, wrong time, can still happen, and you will never turn a Cobra replica into what I'd rather be in if that occurs [choose from S600 Mercedes, BMW 7 series, Ford Excursion, etc , etc.]. Life is full of risks, educate yourself on how to minimize them, and follow through, and balance that against living and having fun at the same time!!
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