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Speed alone does not kill.
If it did, we would have a hard time explaning the safety record of Autobahn travel.
Car, driver and the training are the components needed to accumulate many many thousands of accident free miles. People do it all the time.
It is just that when something DOES happen, the results are more devastating. If the speed was 80 instead of 40 the results are uglier. If the vehicle was a Cobra instead of a Suburban uglier yet.
To get hung up on speed and speed alone is not correct.
If 40 is safer than 80, why not 20 MPH?
There is something called Risk to Reward. We all have, and do trade some for the other from time to time.
Let's do it in safe, well maintained cars with alert and trained drivers on roads, or tracks that are more suitable for the thrill we all seek....
OBAMA IN in 2012