There are some very minor differences in suspension components.
Other than that the aluminum Shelby's are the same car as the Kirkham. Analogous to when an AC was the same as the Shelby except for name.
The glass CSX does not have all the tubing as the original car or the aluminum CSX. It is missing the rear cowl tubing since it is not needed for the glass body.
Years ago AC was licensed to call their cars Cobras. Thus you had the AC Cobra and the Shelby Cobra. AC ,however, can no longer refer to their cars as "Cobras". Legal stuff.
Today the only car licensed to legally bear the Cobra name is the Shelby. Its also considered a genuine Cobra by SAAC and eligible to be listed in the SAAC Registry. The Kirkham cannot be referred to as a "Cobra" and is a "Cobra replica." Legal stuff again.
If you want a car that is legitmately and legally a REAL Cobra and can be placed in the registry the Shelby is the only choice. If you don't care about that stuff then the Kirkham is your choice.
All personal preference.
You already know which I would choose.