I have stayed out of the real v. replica debate thus far, but after reading Evan's last post, I got curious and pulled out the dictionary and I hate to burst bubbles or offend anyone, but I think the 4000 series are replicas

replica- (1): an exact reproduction (as of a painting) executed by the original artist.( 2): a copy exact in all details.
See Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 992 (10th ed. 1997).
I think we can safely say that the 4000 series is a reproduction of the original cobras, and they are certainly executed by the same artist (after all that's why people are willing to pay the premium for the CSX badge). Therefore, based on Webster's first definition, I think the 4000 series are replicas . . .
In fact, based on this definition, one can argue that the only owners of replicas are 4000 series owners, since none of our "replicas" are exectuted by the same artist.
Again, I throw this out for the sole purpose of advancing this debate and not with the intent of ruffling any feathers.
Excuse me while I go duck and cover.