Eric: I'm too tired to joust with you tonight my friend.
I can only slay one dragon a night.
We'll pick this up tomorrow but I have seen guys asking $70K for a SPF.
Brett: Unfortuately you are right. The problem is many (not all) here perceive facts stated about the CSX by their owners are in some way a "knock" to what others have or an attempt to "elevate" the CSX above what they have. Facts stated about our Cobras has nothing to do with a "superiority complex" by me or other CSX owners. We are just stating what the cars are factually and legally. Those that allege doing this is nothing more than us trying to be "superior" are the ones with a "inferiority complex" real or perceived. IMHO. This then begets Shelby bashing and CSX owner bashing.
Oh. Well.