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Old 01-17-2003, 12:19 AM
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Cobra Make, Engine: What Cobra?
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A different perspective from a guy who owns a REAL/AUTHENTIC/REPLICA/CONTINUATION/NEW GENERATION (whatever you want to call it) COBRA....

It is true that a CSX4000 by Shelby will cost you more than a comparable Kirkham, ERA, SPF or whatever.

I am really not sure that it would cost $50,000 or $40,000 or even $30,000.
I owned an ERA not long ago, that I still miss. It may very well have been the best car out there bar none. It may even be better than the car I got now. No argument from me!

I know what I had in that car, and I also know what others have invested in some of their cars.
The diffeence between the high line replicas and a Shelby maybe closer to $20.000 and maybe less for a comparably equipped car.

If you adjust for the aluminum premium, you may find that the difference is nowhere near the amounts being mentioned.

So my question is, if you end up spending $20,000 for that added extra (that does not make the car better) but helps on the long run , is it still a bad investment?

If I paid $20,000 more for my Shelby I am looking at that premium as an option on that car. It is probably one option that will probably never depreciate..

I will preempt any arguments by saying that,
I am not claiming that badge, name plaque, makes my car better. I think $20,000 more spent on the engine suspension transmission will make the car better and faster.

However I would be willing to bet, 5-10 years from now, whatever I paid extra for the Shelby name, the badge the signed dash (all those frivilous items) will be worth every bit of what I paid. So I don't look at it as a bad investment. It should be easy to recover down the road.

It is like putting money in the bank, it may even appreciate as well.

Please don't pile in here and tell me my car is NOT any better as a result of that pedigree. I am NOT claiming that it is. I am not defending the car, or it;'s performance, or it's quality, or it's authenticity. None of that.

All I am doing is defending the rationale of paying $20,000 or maybe even less for the Shelby name. Did I just blow $20,000 or will I be able to recover that? I am betting that I will.

If someone doesn't have the additional funds to pay or can't justify paying the premium why delay the purchase and not buy a Cobra, any Cobra. If you have the money you may want to give them a call and find out what a similar car will cost, then compare the two cars and decide which one is a better long term investment.

Kirkham builds a nice car, and it is aluminum too. It is so good they supply Shelby with many of their Aluminum Body and frame cars for Shelby to finish off. How bad can they be?

Get the best price you can from the Kirkhams and shop Shelby for the same car . It should be very clear at that point if the difference is $50,40,30, or $20. Then decide.

If it doesn't make sense, buy the Kirkham. If it makes sense buy the other.
To me that would be the best way to decide what YOU should do, not what we think you should do!

Was a Proud ERA Owner
Now a Proud Shelby Owner.

Had I have bought an SPF, I would have said the same thing.


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