I looked into autometer's braided line that they push and it was going to be over 100 bucks CDN with fittings for that short run. So I went to our industrial aeroquip dealer, who specializes in hydraulics for industry and requested aeroquip's line used for hydraulics. It's nice looking and is not SS Braided on the outside. It also came with the required fittings that I asked for IE the small AN swivel 90 at the
oil plate. At the gauge I used a female 1/8 MPT to AN adapter straight male and the run was 6 feet. Looks good...actually looks like the proper hoses one would use to the remote
oil cooler on a kirkham.
The fittings were swaged on each end
The total cost with all fittings and in "AEROQUIP all the way" was 38 bucks CDN.
The fittings are the
zinc plate anodized look and not the blue and red type
So Screw Autometer and their line.......