Edley: Depends on what you want to consider REAL. If you restrict your definition of REAL = Original than fine. But this position is clearly based on emotion and bias rather than the current state of the facts.
While I will concede that when most non-Cobra people (ie. general public) refer to "REAL" they are in most cases refering to the original car but they are also unaware of the new series CSX. I can tell you from my experience without exception that every "non Cobra" person who has come in contact with my car and learns of what it is and its origin ie..SAI they clearly appear to acknowledge and consider it a REAL Cobra and coming from the original source...Shelby. You can see they are fascinated by the car and the fact it comes from SAI and is an exact clone of their original in every detail.
Very simply, to say the new Shelby Cobra is not a "REAL" Cobra is not factually accurate and ignors the current reality and developments, ie. the re-emergence of SAI and resurrection of their Cobra.
The current Cobras are relatively new. The originals have been around for over 40 years. Until the late 90's and the re-emergence of SAI there has only been one "Cobra". The original. I understand that there is an emotional attachment we all have to the originals, their siginificance and their special place in history. I am not trying to steal their thunder or elevate the new CSX to their level of significance. The originals are very special cars and rare. They are the reason I have my car. All CSX owners I know feel the same way. The originals are also the reason your cars even exist.
However, "REAL" in all fariness and factually now means two things. Original/Vintage Shelby Cobra or new Shelby Cobra.
When guys who have CSX's say they have REAL Cobras its not meant as a knock to anyone. They are proud of their car, their pedigree and the fact they are accepted by SAAC as a genuine Cobra and are the only cars that can legally bear the Cobra name and badge. As Buzz said, why is it that everytime a CSX owner, who is proud of what his car is, and states the facts as to the car or defends its status they incur the wrath some of those that don't have Shelby's? I can only come to one conclusion. Since factually and legally the non CSX owners who persist in arguing that the new Cobra should not be considered a REAL Cobra couldn't be more wrong factually and legally, and if they can't see it I can't help them as the only reason left must be emotional ie..sour grapes.
By saying my Cobra is a "REAL" Cobra I am not saying it is better than yours. I am simply saying what my car is. Go ahead and say your car is better than mine because it has a zippidy dodah suspension, made better or some kick butt SB. Fine. But knock my car as not being a REAL Cobra and I'll piss in your gas tank. Only kidding. I'll just politely disagree and, as always just point to the facts. Should you continue to ignor reality, well thats your problem not mine.
Everyone is openly proud of their cars and what they are or are not as the case may be. That includes CSX owners.
Buzz: Kudos to you. Thanks.
As to the REAL 1 vs. Argo 1 battle royale I forgot to tell you guys that I only do steel cage matches and the DVSF is a family gig.
Beside you have to talk to my agent, Turk.