Originally posted by Mr.Fixit
I have seen two of them fail. Both broke a rod bolt. Can't blame the con-rod when the bolts let go. I blame a big heavy piston turning too much RPM for the rod bolts to hold onto. Eagle rods are pretty good, but they are no Carillo's. Eagle's are made in china.
I just re-read your post and it struck me. The only part of the rod that broke IS the only part made in the USA

(ARP 8470)
ARP makes excellent products. They are the only brand of bolt I use. It would not surprize me to find the bolts were not torqued properly (stretch method) and that's why they failed. I personally and machine shop I use have used dozens of Eagle rods and when sized properly (they always come delivered at the minimum clearance spec) and torqued properly have never had a failure, even in high RPM and high horsepower applications.