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Isn’t there a correlation between popularity and value going up? The replica industry had kept the public interested and raised the popularity then would it not help feed the value of the “real ones” going up. I am curious if one compares the spike in the value of the “real Cobras” in the past 20 years compared to the growing number of replica owners in the last 20 years, what will they find. If there had not been 60,000 replicas floating around I wonder if the popularity of the Cobra would be diminished. If so, do you really think the Cobras would be getting the prices they would be getting now?
I believe growing popularity = more demand for the real deal. Since only a handful of the real deal exists and the popularity is ever growing from seeing those Tupperware Factory 5’s and other replicas all over the road = the value of the real ones going up higher and higher with the popularity fueled by the replica industry.
It is typical of a real Cobra owner to dismiss and ignore the contributions of the replica industry to the rising value of his Cobra . A simple thank you would be sufficient for me.
And if you are appalled by such thinking then I think I made my case. I like the Cunningham comparison. I about laughed at the prices they were asking for these cars. With no popularity that creates demand they will not be selling to many Real Ones. Talk about ego and unrealistic view of a product!
So I say back, “Your welcome”
What is your local Socialist Group planning now?
Last edited by Jason Lee Nye; 01-23-2003 at 01:10 PM..