I think we need to look why the Cobra replica market began first. They copied one of the most notable and reveered American race cars/muscle cars of all time. They saw a market for replicas for the Cobra. Why? Because of what the Cobra was, is and accomplished. Because of Shelby and his place as an automotive icon and the inseparable connection between the Cobra and Shelby.
The replica market took off not because of the "replica" market but becasue of what they were copying. If they were copying a VW beetle would the replica industry have the same success?How about the Yugo? No. I don't think so.
No. They were copying Cobras. The Superman of muscle cars.
I tend to think (and we are all speculating) that if Shelby brought back the Cobra first before all the replicators got going the CSX would be very popular regardless and would sell well. Why. Because of the legend and popularity of the "Cobra".
There are also many cars that have tremendous collector value without replicas. GT350s, various Ferraris, Daytona Coupes etc..
So, while I believe the replica industry did promote enthusiasm for the car and help keep the "flame" going for the Cobra I tend to think the Cobra would have done fine without the replica industry.
Also, one final point. While we may be appreciative to the replica industry for helping to preserve the presence of the Cobra in the general public mind lets not forget that wasn't the purpose the replica industry began copying the Cobra. The reason was ...MONEY. That is the common demoninator both the replica industry and Shelby both have a common interest in by manufacturing and selling cars.
Jason: You are wrong about the FFR5. I appreciate them. I have seen many that have been beautifully finished. They are a nice car when completedly properly. In fact if I had more spare time a FFR5 spec racer would be my choice for club racing.