Does this mean your manifold isn't for sale? Just joking..
Reminds me of the only day my 1980 MGB didn't start on the first turn of the engine (no joke) It cranked and cranked.. nothing.. I started smelling fuel.. Hmmm.. I opened the hood and there was gas everywhere.
I looked around and ever nut bolt and fastener on the carb was loose.. It was my day off so I went to the parts store got a pair of rebuild kits for the strombergs and a repair manual (see I told you I wasn't kidding).. I got home and tore off the carbs.. What the hey they were loose already.. I have rebuilt carbs before.. besides I got the book to get me through reassebly. I get every spring, ball valve orfice and jet laid out on the driveway, get them all cleaned surfaces prepped and I open the book to start thr reassembly..
The book tells you how to remove them.. ok.. turn the page.. "PLEASE REFER TO YOUR BRITISH LEYLAND DEALER FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICE"
This was 1987.. It took a few hours. But I got them back together..