Thread: ERA vs SPF
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Old 01-24-2003, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: very different cars underneath.

Hi Ray,

Cc: Gents... I'm going to take stab at this, and I'll try to keep it short as I can and hopefully won't get beat up too bad. These are very different cars. I've driven both more than a few times. Both are great cars, but completely different under the skin, so I thought I would respond.

(The Superformance replica) is a new car in every way. You can purchase a Superformance almost immediately at any dealer, and order one in a short turn-around time. If NOW is important, its good to know this. The SPF has all new parts, and looks nothing like an original Cobra underneath its fiberglass. The body is a bit updated as well, espeically around the flares on the front and rear. The wheel flares enclose around the tire more than an original body style or ERA. The SPF is like a modern version that has been engineered to a specific set of cost, production, and manufacturing and performance requirements; leaning more towards a high quality, higher volume production turnkey-minus configuration. Its not made in America, its made in Africa which helps to contain costs a bit. The SPF car is a nice driving car, its solid, and it’s a great value for those who don’t want to build their own Cobra, and for those who like owning a quality replica Cobra in this price range. I’m saying it looks like a Cobra, but is very different underneath in almost every way: chassis, suspension, steering, brakes, lines/brackets, fans, radiator, etc... are all very different from an original type configuration. Most people who own SPF cars run 351s or 460 engines with 5-speed Tremec transmissions; and this is widely accepted with the SPF cars. It seems about 5% of the SPF cars run FEs. Most people seem to prefer the SVO 351/460 new engine platform in this new car. This is a common configuration, and these parts are new and highly available for these units in an on-demand basis. There is a strong following for the SPF cars from what I’ve seen. A great value and a good solid turnkey-minus package in this price range and more modern configuration. Nice car in every way.

(The ERA 427 SC replica) is as close to an original as it gets today in a fiberglass car in this price range, with ERA making the necessary upgrades to make the car an authentic looking performance replica. In general, it takes time to obtain an ERA because the wait queue is up to a year or so if you are looking for a new kit or roller package. Turnkey-minus takes 3 months longer than the kit package. It looks very close to an original since day one in 1980 - designed right from the get-go. ERA is more of a limited production hand-made car in comparison, and ERA has engineered suttle enhancements into the car over the years where it makes sense, but not straying too far from what an original looks like inside/out. The body is dead on to the an original with SC flares. You can order an ERA with SC flares or street flares. Most of the cars out there have SC flares. The street flare has the little lip on the back fender that ERA can build into it; especially if you want to run a street version 427 car. The ERA 427 SC runs a rectangle tube boxed chassis instead of a round tube configuration on most of the frame, except where it shows up front on the visible X-brace. It s a very solid car and the chassis/suspension works! Excellent weight transfer side to side and front to back. Most ERA 427 SC owners choose to run FE engines with Toploader 4-speeds and some run 5/6 speeds too. It comes with an original type Jag/Salisbury differential with inboard brakes or other brake options if desired. Most ERA owners run 15” period correct wheels/tires to go along with the FE / Toploader configurations; however some are trying 17s as a spare set. The ERA is a more authentic configured car underneath, and it can be equipped to look, feel, sound and give the thrill of an original; but its definitely more solid with its bonded and riveted body. An ERA can be purchased in various stages including turnkey-minus. If you like car building, it’s a great project for those who enjoy building quality cars. The ERA is great car and worth every penny. If you are looking for an authentic looking configuration, with all the period correct engine/trans/wheels/accessory components to go along with it, the ERA 427SC is a great choice. Most importantly, it’s a great driving car and experience.

Inserted after my original post:
(Unique Motorcars Ltd.) Also, don't forget to look at the Unique 427SC too. I owned one of these and reluctantly had to sell it. I can honestly say this is a great deluxe pallete kit value and experience! If you equip a Unique with equivalent FE engine/Toploader, suspension, wheels/tires, as an ERA and do some nice paint/body work, it "can" look dead on to an original as well; this requires a bit of extra money and effort though putting it up in the higher $$$ range again when completed correctly. IF you install the right upgrades, guages, and accessories paying attention to the extra details, its a great contender. Unique offers a nice package in the deluxe pallet kit offering.

Drive them both, or at least ride in both for more than 5 minutes each. Fly to somewhere if needed. Seriously consider what is important to you and what excites you. Both are great cars depending on what you are looking for (authenticity, value, price, etc.) Take your time, research, and talk with various owners out there. The extra research is worth it just to figure out what you really want and will be happy with after making the purchase.

Proactive Disclamer:
These are the opinions of one guy who has driven both of these cars more than a few times. I’m merely trying to give some constructive feedback for comparison. Various members on this board might agree or disagree with my comments, so take it for what its worth. Note to ClubCobra Gents… please don’t beat up on me too badly for responding - OK!
Western States Cobra Group 1998-2016.

Last edited by decooney; 01-24-2003 at 07:33 PM..
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