Not Ranked
Jamo's tellin' it like it is. Even the original Cobras had subtle variations in shape and "look" due to the nature of the construction process. ERA somehow captured the best of the best and build what is (arguably) the best looking Cobra on the planet. Hands down. Search through the gallery for owners pics and look at the ERA cars and browse through the cars for sale pics on CobraCountry. Everything else positive said about both cars is true. I, know you didn't ask, but I must add that Unique Motorcars also builds a beautiful, high quality replica for a reasonable price that is second only to ERA in the 'glass car looks department (my humble opinions only).
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...