Thread: ERA vs SPF
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Old 01-24-2003, 11:58 AM
Ron Randall Ron Randall is offline
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Ray My ERA is going on 20 years old, its been to the Pocono race track once and limerock twice. Now I only have time for the local cruises and a show or two a year and it still looks and drive like new. Peter said that the construction of the ERA body was so good that it would not stress or spider crack even after years of hard driving, well 20 years later and not ONE crack of stress line. Lots of chips on the original paint was the cause of the 2nd repaint but that's it. I must admit when I'm parked next to other makes of cobra that it just seems to sit right. Its more than just the shape of the body, ERA spent alot of time not only on the body mounting points but the frame and suspension dynamics. A picture might be better than words so check out my photo gallery.
I do agree with everyone elts that you cant go wrong with either manufacture.
Good luck with your selection
I did like the fact that after 20 years I added some upgrades and ERA is here in the states, so getting the new parts was just a drive away.

Last edited by Ron Randall; 01-24-2003 at 12:28 PM..
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