In 1973 The University of Louisiana did a study on cryogenic tempering conducted by Dr. Randall Barron. Over a years time, the research team study several different applications that covered a wide range of tool steels. There have also been studies conducted by various Universities from Finland to China that are available online, all with great results and data. The latest research was completed by Dr. Joan Alexandru and Dr. Constantin Picos of the The Polyttechnic Institute of Jassy, Romania. The test was completed with results achieved from a JEOL IXA-5A Electron probe, a DRON-1 X-Ray Diffractometer, a Quantimet 720 Quantitave Microscope and a Chevernard Differential Dilatometer to recieve a myriad of scientific results. I also have that data available if someone is up for some mind-numbing reading!!