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Welcome to the group.
The most important thing you have to learn is to remain stone faced at the next stop light after you "Wax" the "Silver Haired Wolf" in the 'Vette.
The advice on a driving school will probably give you the best input for these kinds of cars. If a driving school is not available in your area, try to find one that you can attend on a weekend jaunt to a neighboring city, or someone (qualified) who can give you a couple private lessons, at an appropriate location.
Learn to drive the car as if it were an ordinary vehicle first, then start to expand your envelope of experiences, all within the law, of course.
Get used to the perminant smile these cars seem to give to their owners.
Study a little Cobra history, you will be asked lots of questions about what it is and who made it. Mostly you will be asked "Is it real?" and "What engine does it have?".
My wife was asked if she would adopt a couple college students as she drove by them on a street corner.
Driving a car like this is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
Last edited by CRZN427; 01-25-2003 at 10:31 PM..