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Min. thickness for Jag rotors in a Unique?
I am working on an older Unique with the Jag rear end and what looks like factory Jag inboard brakes.
I went to my trusty Autozone for some rear pads today and asked what were the min thickness for the rotors and the computer came back with ****DO NOT TURN ONLY REPLACE*******
So he didn't have a clue what the specs are. Any one know? Or at least know what model Jag these rear ends are from?
The rotors in this car are not the solid units like what is being used by newer Uniques, they look old and kind of like a vented rotor but it has some sort of ring between the inner and outer surfaces of it? Am I making any sense here?
I do not want to replace the rotors if they don't need it. It looks like getting the rotors off this car is one heck of a task. Thanks in advance.