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From what I've read and gathered here from information regarding the original CSX, the newer tubular frames are thicker walled w/ more reinforcement at points that were subject to failure. Not strictly "Real Cobra". Probably more "Cobra correct".
But in the scheme of things "who the heck cares", whether it uses a tubular frame or a rectangular frame--it isn't going to be a "original Cobra, made in the 60's' ".
One can nitpick all they want but the "Cobra " you drive still gets more attention than most any other vehicle on the road, "correct" body, frame, tailights, scoops, windsheild wiper parking, engine, wheels/tires, and even (sorry Evan)hood rivets--not withstanding
you have a good one ,today
"Breathe in... Breathe out... then move on with life. Lifes too short to sweat the small stuff"