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PS Engineering wheels
Due to the lack of suitable 15 inch tires for road racing, I'm thinking about purchasing a set of PS Engineering pin drive 17" wheels to swap back & forth with the 15" Trigos.
Haven't been able to connect with PSE for a couple days, so am curious what if any issues I'd run into with these on my SPF. I'm told the PSE's will fit the Trigo adapters and use their wingnuts. Izzat so? I talked to the guy who imports Compomotives, he says theirs will fit, but I'm a little gunshy of a modular wheel for road racing (Silver State Classic, etc.)
Is there a good source for these, or is direct to PSE the way to go?
Also, I doubt if I could round up enough potential buyers to wrangle a group purchase of PSE wheels and maybe save a few bucks, but just in case, is anyone interested? I'll probably order a set in the next 2-3 weeks once I figure out how to ease them past the watchful eyes of my wife. Thanks.