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Electrical help needed!
On our way home last night, my headlights suddenly went out. Lucily we were only a couple of blocks away and on a private road. Hazzards, turn signals and brake lights still worked but headlights, park lights and dash lights were dead. On examination today, I found the fuse on the light switch was burned. I replaced the fuse but I now find that it gets wery hot when the headlights are on and only a bit warm with only the park lights running. Also, another thing I had noticed before is that my fuel gauge is unresponsive when the lights are off but jumps towards the full mark when they are turned on. I have checked and double checked all my light connections as well as the connections to the fuel gauge and sender. Everything is as specified in the manual that came with the (Prodesign) harness. With the fuel gauge and sending unit disconnected, the light switch fuse still heats up with the lights on. I don't know if the two problems are connected but the car has 650 miles on it since I first wired it up and this is the first time that fuse has blown. Help!
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...