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I called Nisonger and asked them for a voltage stabilizer part no BR 1310/00. I told him it is for a Cobra replica and I have power going into the part, but not out to the guage. He said he has them in stock, but the part no is BR 1307/00. The difference being the bracket. The cost of the part is $18. He never called it a voltage reducer.
As far as my symptoms, my guage was completely dead. After taking a meter and checking the circuit out, I found out I had power going in to the voltage stabilizer (reducer) but not going out. So I by-passed this part, putting power directly to the guage. It now reads 3/4 when full. And it seems to have about half to 1/4 tank when the guage reads empty. Also, when I turn the ignition key to on, and all the guages come to life, the fuel guage needle seems to "stutter" a few time before it reaches the correct position.
I should have the new part this week, so I'll post back with the results when it's installed.
Hope this helps,
RACECAR spelled backwards is ....................RACECAR