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I know very little about health insurance,thankfully I have never had to use mine for anything other than very minor illnesss,so therefore I can not "debate" with on a subject I practically know nothing about....You may have had some bad expriences with your insurance carrier and you may be totally right and you may have been screwed,I do not know, but I know the auto insurance industry and as I have said they are two different animals.....
I agree with you that some of our stuff will overlap with NSRA and that we need to remain a totally seperate group for our own good and recognition....Using some of the NSRA guidelines and drawing from their past and present may save us some "legwork" so to speak....I will contact my buddy over here and try to talk with someone more knowledgeable with the NSRA rules/guidelines/inner workings over the weekend to get some insight on what we need to do and which direction to head in....
The only other thing I would mention right now is if you are planning to include all "homebuilt" type cars,than not right the rules specifically for Cobras as to leave out the others....