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Old 02-08-2003, 08:42 PM
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I have a couple of points and maybe a question or two.

How could a Cobra kit which costs at least $30,000 (kit plus everything else and several hundred hours of assembly time) and turn keys for around $50,000, bought by, in general mature, middle aged males, be any worse than a 16 year old with daddy's beemer or even worse pulling out the old rusted 1978 F-150 death mobile. How far will the organization go for us. I've seen the terms crumple zones and air bags a couple of times in these posts. Will we bow to the insurance companies on these demands.

And finally, I know this is going to wrinkle some feathers....

What is it going to cost us, someone will get paid for representing us setting up inspection stations, paying for legal council. I'm not nieve enough nor would I expect any of our members to take on such a large task with no compensation.

"If it's man made it can be man fixed"
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