How did you finally decide what color to paint your car??
I have a couple weeks before I have to decide once and for all, and I am having a lot of trouble making up my mind.
I have considered the following:
1. What do I like?
Well, that doesn't help too much because I like a lot of different colors and there are at least 3 that I really like.
2. What is original?
Doesn't help much b/c I'm not so concerned with originality.
3. What will I like for years to come?
See number 1. Plus, how do I know that if I like it now, I will like two years from now?
4. Do I like the color because it is popular at the moment or trendy?
Maybe, but see number 3.
5. Stripes/No stripes?
This is a whole other problem which turns my top 3 color choices into really 6 different options.
What went into your decision making process?
Sleepless in NJ