Hi Frank,
Your "die off" may be the fuel pickup being uncovered?
I had to modify my gas tank to install a 3/4" ID pickup at the bottom center and make sure the inlet line was 1/2" or better - ended up using AN-10 from the tank to the inlet filter and then to the fuel pump inlet. The tank also has some anti-slosh baffling; I guess a good fuel cell would be better.
Apparently us EFI users get to trade "fuel bowl slosh" for "gas tank slosh"
I use an Aeromotive pump and dual filter setup: 100 micron inlet and 10 micron outlet. Aeromotive told me it is critical not to cause uncovering of the pickup and to avoid cavitation due to too small a pickup, inlet filter or pump inlet line. Their pump apparently has amazing suction ("bowling ball through a garden hose" ?
) and if it runs dry it'll burn up...
Well, off to reinstall the gas tank - leak
being rewelded - and do some more tuning!