So the fords are even running Clevelands!!! For shame.
Yearly registration for custom plates is about $70 a year. Includes nothing!
We pay about 54% of the price of every gallon of gas in direct and indirect taxes. Taxes on consumption, distribution, etc. It is getting to the point with taxes that it is going to be time for another Tea Party soon
I paid more in taxes last year then I have in my Cobra.
I like my license plate "GRINCTY". Think it says it all without inviting a race at every stop light (the Cobra does that enough).
How about those intakes? Blue Thunder, Funnel Web?
I met Mike at the Spring Fling here near, VERY near, my home town last year. Hope to see more of you this year. If you need anything, you know you can count on us.
We are having a meeting this Sunday and will discuss the up and coming spring fling. Some of the people that will be joining us are:
- Manager and Owner of Quaker Steak and Lube (first night last year with the burnouts)
- Alice from Cystic Fibrosis
- The CFO from MAC tools
- London county commisioner
- Director of Madison County Airport (wonder what is up with this?????)
- Director of the Central Ohio Sports Car Club of America
The meeting is just mainly a fun meeting. Forcast is high of 34 with mix of snow and rain, 60% chance. Don't expect any Cobras!
Bin Laden is a fool, liar and a hypocrite. Continued aggression will only lead to further retaliation and increased involvement in the middle east. Just the opposite of what he says he wants.