I have an idea for "the ultimate cobra/street rod Emergency Surgical Pack" that will require minimal trunk space while providing maximum protection against grease, road grime and the elements. The pack will consist of a disposable knee length, non abrasive, waterproof, surgical gown that will protect your
clothing as well as the finish on your cobra and double as a drop cloth if you need to crawl under your car or sit on the ground, a disposable hand towel and 6 pairs of microtouch, disposable surgical gloves to keep your hands clean. The sizing will need to be one size up from your normal size especially with the gloves. The total pack will cost $35 + $10 handling and
shipping. Replacement quantities of each will be available if our medical suppliers will provide a quantity deal. This is just a creative idea that might interest those that have encountered unexpected road adjustments at the most inopportune time. Your feedback will be appreciated. If you're interested, please private e-mail your sizes and I'll check on the availability and time schedules.