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A couple of Things
If we do the same cruise, move the hotel further south! The hotel parking was great!
If we stay in the same hotel, move the cruise!!
Compare, last year to this Year!!
Cruise this year was Great!
Cruise last year was great!!
We kinda disolved as a group when we hit Gruene! I liked the way we gathered again at JOE Z's, but the drive back to the hotel late was not good.
At Gruene,We went seperate way's after lunch, I would like to see us gather again somewhere. Some reason it didn't work to well this year, we lost a lot of people. Also parking in Gruene was not good. They won't reserve a parking place for us, they don't care!
I liked the idea about Gruene, but the parking, we were scattered, didn't like that.
What if we have the same guy who cooked for us at Joe Z's do the same thing for lunch somewhere around Gruene!
Try to compare Last year to this year, the good and the bad!
Make a list of both. See what comes out of it, also remember to keep it simple, we are growing!!
What if we move the Hotel further south do the same cruise and end up at the hotel, I don't know, we've got plent of time to talk about it!!
Compare, all 4 years, don't forget that we're growing!!
Keep it at the same time of the year!!
Life is GOOD!!