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I have the 535 HP version of the FMS crate engine. Because of its valving, the engine really does nothing below 1500 rpm, and you don't feel powerband until 2000. Then hold on!
With a TKO, you'll want to run about 3.55 gears. 3.08s are just to tall and you won't feel squished in the seat off the line, plus you'll have to be doing about 75 before you can use 5th - and in 5th at cruise she'll bog on hills. 4.10s are just the opposite, and you're shifting into second under the traffic light - either way you lose one good gear entirely and spend most time in 3rd cruising. 3.55s will eliminate this, making for a very powerful, very streetable and uggh nothing like a rice burner fart can tubed sh*tbox!