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Steve K hit the nail on the head.
You can appreciate a sound system in a Cobra up to about 35 MPH (top off), and 50 MPH (top on) cruising steady speed on the highway. A little gas, the sidepipes cut in, the sterio cuts out.
At the volume you'll be playing the system at, an amp is manditory, as well as speakers that will play and not distort at 75 - 100 watts RMS!!!, not peak.
And!! One does not need to spend megabucks to do this. Just design, shop, and spend wisely. My in-dash cassette deck was about $150. The amp, about $100, and the speakers (Infinity Kappas), about $120 for the pair. Not megabucks. Found an on-line sterio store ( with MUCH better prices than Crutchfield. Only used one pair of speakers. No home theater, or dolby 5.1. Tip. Put the speakers in an enclosure and they'll work a whole lot better at high volume.
And when you're cruising at 75, turn off the sterio and enjoy the rumble of the pipes.